The Wine Cave Company Limited
The Wine Cave Company Limited (Wine Cave) is a trading platform that integrates logistics for the buying, selling, consigning, internal transferring and professional storing of wine by its online members. Its unique business value encompasses Major Cellar’s unrivaled direct wholesale entre into the offerings of major French vendors and other preeminent wineries and distillers worldwide, tailored to purchases and consignment by oenophiles.
Wine Cave’s online console allows members to effortlessly search for vintage by region, year and winery, together with faithfully detailed tasting notes and scores. The system also permits the buying, selling and inventory managing, in real time, of personal consignment(s) by cases or bottles. Located at Kwai Chung, Wine Cave’s storage facility maintain a constant temperature of 13-16°C with a sweeping security system that combines lighting control with all-hours access for multiple levels of users authorisations.